November 11, 2010
The tally is in and we are at 40 artists! Way to go Gabriola!
While Sylvie is away, Mariko and Bryan will be assembling the graphics and getting them printed by our friends at Gallery Press. ..many thanks Regan.
When Sylvie returns we will have another Coffee meet and Greet (most likely at Artworks this time, but will confirm date and time). At that informal caffeinated meeting we will have a GWAA package for you that will include your Artist Poster and button. Of course, Sylvie and I will be on hand to answer any questions that you may have.
Thank you for your interest in the inaugural launch of the 2010 Gabriola Winter Art Affair (GWAA). We hope that it will become a new tradition featuring the many artistic talents of Gabriolans! Please find below a Map of the GWAA Studio Tour. Please click on it for a link to a clearer downloadable PDF Version. The flip side will be available and published soon as we are waiting for the ads graphics to roll in.